DynamicsCTR is a cloud solution which allows government contractors to manage Task oriented contracts to manage budgets and costs for each task in a coordinated and seamless fashion. Projects being executed by contractors consist of Task Plans from the government and subsequent responses to these Task Plans using Cost/Time/Resource sheets (CTRs). Once the CTRs are approved, Tasks are executed by prime contractors as well as subcontractors.
DynamicsCTR manages the CTR process and combines the project budgets with enterprise class ERP systems to provide tight project control by prime contractor, and to provide government required documents for compliance with those requirements.
- Capture of Task/Subtask and Modification (Mods) hours
- Support for Prime and Subcontractor hours & costs
- Labor Categories by vendor and/or subcontractor
- Manage ODC costs
- Travel Cost Management
- Subcontractor Invoice Management
- Reports:
- 533 Monthly Report
- Workforce Labor Report
- CTR Reports
- Period Cost Reports
- Subcontractor Invoice Management
- Seamless Integration to Microsoft Dynamics SL